Fantasy Art

To me, Fantasy Art probably encompasses just about anything of what I do as an Artist.  Much of my subject matter is based in history or mythology of some description anyway.  I figured the best way of catagorising these works was to use a fairly broad genre definition.  Therefore be prepared to find almost any subject matter in this gallery.  

Some of the images above date back from the pre-photoshop era when I was using various media, such as Acrylic, pen and wash, and pastel. Back then I was working on the theme of the Fall of Troy, and some of the images I love and form a big part of my development as an Artist.  You'll also find some ideas for a character - Conor the Cursed of which I am rather fond of.

Images like Lucia, Drama Queens, Queen of the Night and Boy with Lily, date back to my very early 20's.  They may look quaint now but again, I wouldn't be me without them.

Pallas Athene


Klytemnaestra Triumphant


Echoes of Pan


Strange Music


Prince of India

Sa Ra

Green Bather

The Swan Knight


Brunnhilde, Heilige Braut


Stigmata Mater

Lord of the Black Lands

Lord of the Field

Lord of the Red Lands

Lucia di Lammermoor


Elizabeth I

Drama Queens

St Sebastian

Blue Vallhalla


Our Family Secret

Ride of the Valkyrie


Magic Fire Music

King Stag

Siegfried's Funeral March

The Last Embrace

The Abduction of Ganymede

Helen of Troy

Boy with Lily

Queen of the Night