Drumroll please...

Aida - Act 1, scene 1
Aida - Act 1, scene 1
...I've had this under my hat for nearly a year now and am happy to finally announce that my set designs for Aida are travelling to China with the Australian International Opera Company.  They will be used as projections for their upcoming tour.

I first did these as a class excercise in 1st year Design class.  We got a choice to design a scene from either Verdi's Aida or Saint-Saens' Samson et Dalila.  Not being one to make things easy for myself, I asked my lecturer if she would accept a concept of doing all acts from Aida on the one set. The answer was yes and I ended up getting a practically perfect score.

The originals were done in pastel and were so very stark compared to what they have developed into. Over the years, this is my third round of redesigning them, they have become more and more elaborate, as my tastes have changed.
