Coronation Orb of Boris Godunov

Coronation Orb of Boris Godunov
Coronation Orb of Boris Godunov

Coronation Orb of Boris Godunov - WIP
Coronation Orb of Boris Godunov - WIP
The other day it occurred to me that I hadn't posted any pics of my recently finished Coronation Orb of Boris Godunov.

This piece has quickly turned into one of my favourites and when my husband turned around and said to me "you know, this is your best work so far", well that just sealed the deal!

I've really enjoyed this project and have loved the results.  When I was first studying my craft I made a coronation crown, it had real fur but was nowhere near what I ever really wanted it to be because of cost.  I also gave it to a friend when I first left Perth, we are no longer in touch so now it is lost to the ages.

That was 30 years ago and materials have certainly become more readily available and a hell of a lot cheaper.  Which is why I decided to fulfill a lifelong dream and make the full set.
