Flashback Friday

While we are on the subject of Salome, here is an image I worked on years ago.  It was my first proper foray into photomontage using my friend Chaka Layla as muse for Salome and husband James Sutekh as Jokanaan.  To this day it remains one of my favourite images from my portfolio.  You can see more of the series here.

Have a listen to the final scene as recorded below by Inge Borkh and Fritz Reiner with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, surely one of the best renditions of this incredible aria.  When Salome sings the words 'hurte ich geheimnisvolle musik' (I heard a strange music), this is the only recording in which one can really hear the offstage organ playing the famous pedal notes, thereby doing the score complete justice.  Enjoy and have a great weekend.

#FlashbackFriday #Opera #Salome #IngeBorkh #RichardStrauss #OscarWilde
