The Melbourne Ring 2016
Tonight marks the conclusion of the first Cycle of Opera Australia's Der Ring des Nibebelung held in Melbourne. In it's first revival since the premiere in 2013, from all accounts Neil Armfield's concept has grown in stature and depth, providing audiences with a truly original and profound rendition of this most ambitious musical project.
Due to the current state of my health I was unable to attend but have been living vicariously through the many friends I have both in the cast, backstage and in the audience. Below are the official trailers for all four operas, do check them out. For more information head to this link.
To all involved, a big Toi! for the two remaining cycles due to run until December 16, 2016.
Das Rheingold
Die Wälkure
#OperaAustralia #Wagner #Opera #DerRingDesNibelungen
#DasRheingold #DieWalkure #Siegfried #Gotterdammerung
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