Beltane in the Southern Hemisphere, 2016
Here in the Southern Hemisphere we observe Beltane when our Northern friends celebrate Samhein, or to the young and uninitiated, Hallow'een.
So today I've prepared the garden beds in anticipation of the planting for Spring/Summer, cooked a splendid dinner, lit lamps and made way for the new.
I knew it was the beginning of something special when I opened the front door this morning to discover the most beautiful Dragon statue (from the 8th gate of the Great Wall) and sundry other birthday gifts from my outlaws, left on our porch with other birthday goodies.
To my Sisters and Brothers in the Southern Hemisphere...Blessed Beltane, may the coming year be one of abundance. To my friends in the North, have a brilliant Samhein.
Blessed be.
Uncensored version here.
#Halloween #Beltane #Samhein
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