My heart breaks once again...Farewell Johan Botha, 1965 - 2016

Today I was saddened to hear of the loss of an operatic giant, South African tenor Johan Botha.  One of the great Heroic Tenors of our age, he possessed one of the truly beautiful voices onstage and in recordings.  The great man had been ill for a number of months and finally succumbed.

My thoughts are with his family and friends, the world has lost one more great voice.  We are lucky that his legacy will continue with the recordings and videos of his great work.  For me he is one of the most heavenly Lohengrins on disc and as a tribute I give you his 'In fernem Land' which showcases the incredible strength and subtelty of this truly sublime voice.  Rest In Peace.

#RIP #JohanBotha #Wagner #Lohengrin
