An Important Update

Yes it has been a while and for friends not following me on Facebook the reason why is that two or so months ago I suffered a series of strokes.  I do not wish to go into details, email me if you must, but  I wish to say that I am on the mend, albeit slowly.

As part of my own therapy to get back to as normal as I can be I have redesigned my website, due to launch later this week. Stay tuned for more details, as they say.  

I'm also now taking commissions, so if you're a Singer or Performer of any kind and wish to expand your profile, hit me up.

In the meantime, check out the amazing Irene Theorin in a recent Turandot from Peralada, filmed just a month ago.  It's all about Turandot for me lately really, I went to see the filmed broadcast of the Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour last weeekend and thoroughly enjoyed it, more on that later.  Until then enjoy and have a great week.

#IreneTheorin #HandaOpera #Turandot #Webdesign
