A Turandot Taste Sensation

My hard-working friends at Cook Speak Play have been really busy lately and offer Perth opera lovers the chance of taking part in the current national operatic interest which, thanks to HANDA Opera's recent opening night and subsequent month long season, is Puccini's Turandot.

Cook Speak Play have developed their successful formula from last year of dinner and a visual presentation on the opera of the evening to include performances by three exciting young local singers of their own selected arias.  This year the theme is Puccini and his operas.

This coming Thursday night, the 31st of March will feature the voices of recent WAAPA graduates, Kate Goyder, Monique Flanagn and Louis Hurley.

What a great opportunity to hear the talent of three upcoming singers you will without doubt be hearing a lot from in the future, learn some more about the opera with Puccini's most famous aria, and sample some amazing Italian cuisine.

Turandot has long been one of my favourite operas, and 'La Fanciulla del West' aside, my favourite Puccini.  You might even see me there!

#WAAPA #KateGoyder #LouisHurley #MoniqueFlanagan #CookSpeakPlay #Puccini #Opera #Turandot #OperaAustralia
