What's New? Website Updates!

Finally I have had the chance to make improvements to my website, especially the galleries.  It's still the same design we know and love, but you'll find everything easier to navigate in the new format so check out the changes I've made by clicking here.  

Now I've done the housekeeping I can progress with some of the exciting new projects I have on the horizon.  Stay tuned for more info.  Have a great weekend.

#WebDesign #Weekend #Opera #VisualArt #FantasyArt


  1. Blair

    Trying to access your website but it is not working! It says domain has expired! Oh no! Any ideas? Am interested in buying some of your art.

  2. Hi Kristofer

    Thanks for letting me know. I have addressed the issue and the website should be up and running very soon. Apologies for this.


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