Fiona CAMPBELL'S Condensed Cream of FAUST Episode 1

One of my most favourite Australian singers is without doubt mezzo-soprano Fiona Campbell.  Hugely talented and in my opinion vastly underrated, she does however have a star turn as Siebel in the upcoming production of Faust for WA Opera, in the Sir David Vicar production which has been touring the nation over the past year.

Earlier this year local audiences had the pleasure of her ample comedic talent as Berta in WA Opera's Opera In The Park performance of Rossini's Barber of Seville in which her alcoholic nurse practically stole the show (loved her in the Act 1 Finale).  She also featured as Cherubino in WA Opera's recent Marriage of Figaro (unseen by myself unfortunately).

Personally I am dying to hear her Cenerentola, a role I think she was born to play (she has sung it in to great acclaim with Queensland Opera).

Anyway, La Campbell is showing us a humorous glimpse into the behind the scenes world of what it takes to get an opera together from a singers point of view, right from Day 1 in a series of videos, the first is below.  More to follow...but if you wish to stay up to date with Fiona's latest news and see what she is all about have a look at her website and have a great weekend.

#FionaCampbell #Mezzo #Opera #Faust #WAOpera #DavidMcVicar #CampbellsCondensed
