Some Stunning Sunday Listening
The recent Opera Australia revival of Verdi's Don Carlos, directed by Elijah Moshinsky was broadcast by ABC Classic FM on August 15 and available for streaming for the next few weeks.
It's a fabulous and strong cast, the standout's for me being the Elisabetta of Latonia Moore and Rodrigo of Jose Carbo, but then I'm only up to the Auto de Fe scene so far. I'm enjoying the entire production immensely and the soloists are an ensemble hard to beat.
Click on the image below to take you to some Verdian bliss on a beautiful Sunday afternoon or sometime over the next 20 days. Enjoy your weekend, friends.
#OperaAustralia #ABCClassicFM #Verdi #DonCarlos #LatoniaMoore #JoseCarbo #Opera
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