Step away from the crazy lady it's...Sunday listening...

...which today is Beverly Sills as Lucia di Lammermoor.  You might be able to tell I'm just a little bit excited about my pending excursion to Scotland in December.  Here is some of my weekend musical inspiration.

I hadn't heard this recording until the start of the weekend and I'm very glad I finally have.  This is thrilling in many aspects, especially the performances of the two lovers, complete with Glass Harmonica.  But really, full marks go to the cover art, this is Sills channeling her inner All About Eve!

So much so in fact that I couldn't narrow a musical choice down to one.  So here are the love duet from Act 1 and the Mad Scene from Act Three.  You'll hear what I mean about thrilling by the finale of the love duet and the incredible cadenza Sills dazzles us with in the last moments of the Mad Scene.  Have a great Sunday.


#MadScene #Opera #Diva #BeverlySills #Earworm #Bubbles #BelCanto
