Earworm of the Day

...for today is the incredibly touching love duet from Act 2 of Richard Strauss' Arabella, which had it's first performance on July 1, 1933.

The first time I heard this was one of those "WTF?"  moments you have occasionally when you hear a piece of music that stirs something in your soul.  In my case it was back in Melbourne when I was living on the bones of my butt and couch-surfing just after I'd first moved there in the early 90's.

Here is a stunning little excerpt filmed with Annelise Rothenberger and Hermann Prey, studio bound sometime in the late 60's/early 70's by my reckoning, seemingly for television judging by the tidy way the scene ends.  

Nonetheless it's a newly discovered gem on my part that deserves sharing.

#AnneliseRothenberger #HermannPrey #OnThisDay #Opera #RichardStrauss #LoveWins 

