Holten's Krol Roger via The Opera Platform
It's been a while since I've written anything close to a review, but this has now been remedied with my new one for the fabulous new production by Kasper Holten, Antonio Pappano and the forces of the ROH, Covent Garden. It's a remarkable view of one of the greatest operatic scores of the Twentieth Century. I strongly recommend it for viewing.
You can view it via the brand new TheOperaPlatform which will stream live from 15 opera houses throughout Europe and the results be available for viewing for six months after the first live stream. It's an impressive service and one sure to rival the popular Met On Demand subscription service. I strongly recommend checking it out. In the meantime check out said review and have a great weekend.
#ROHroger #KrolRoger #Opera #TheOperaPlatform
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