Great News!
This morning I awoke to the amazing news that the OperaBox production of Donizetti's Anna Bolena which I designed the set and projections for has been nominated for a Fringe World Award. I have to say that I'm rather chuffed that the first show I've designed for many years has even been nominated against such stiff competition in the Theatre category.
The Awards are announced next weekend on the 22nd February...please keep you fingers crossed for us. Thank you to such a great team of dedicated people who have helped make this the show that it was...and one that seems to have made an impact on the local opera/theatre scene. OperaBox I love you!
I think this is good excuse to repost the video I uploaded of my backdrop animations...if you haven't seen it yet (if you're a friend of mine I know who your are ;-) ) do me a favour and check it out.
#OperaBox #30DaysofPerthect #FringeWorldFestival #Donizetti #BelCanto #Opera #AnnaBolena
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