Vale Irene Dalis - October 8, 1925 – December 14, 2014
Farewell to the gorgeous voice and talented singing actress that was the great Irene Dalis. With a career that spanned many years in many different guises, director, singer and actor to, not to mention the founder and director of San Jose Opera, her presence will be sadly missed.
I've had in my collection a libretto of Verdi's Aida ever since I was about 13. It had pictures of Irene Dalis as Amneris wearing the famous Nefertiti headdress, though not the one above. I was, of course, completely captivated and she has to me been forever associated with the role ever since.
Dalis was also a fine Wagnerian and is nigh on peerless as Kundry, her portrayal for Knappertsbuch in his 1962 recording remains a benchmark to this day and a prize in my collection.
To say goodbye to another operatic giant, here is a live recording of Irene Dalis' Judgement Scene from Aida recorded in New York, the Met Broadcast from March 3, 1962. Requiescat in pace Diva.
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