It's been a while...

...I know, and apologies, I'm currently working on a couple of exciting projects I'm sworn to secrecy about until later in the year and they are taking up much of my time.  I'll release more about them later.

In the meantime I came across this wonderful painting of the final moments of Abbe Provost's novel Manon Lescaut, which was to inspire operas by Massenet, Auber and Puccini.  I read it years ago and can see why it was so inspirational, a story just dying to be set to music.  

It will come as no surprise that Puccini's heroine is my favourite.  Act 4 is one long tragic and stunning farewell/love duet, heartbreaking in it's intensity.  Have a listen to Maria Callas and Giuseppe di Stefano conducted by Tulio Serafin.  This recording will forever be a classic, enjoy.

For more information about the painting head here.  Have a great weekend.
