Image of the Day

Italian Set Designer Carlo Ferrario is the subject of today's Image of the Day.  He was quite popular during the 19th Century and is renowned for his large output of Romantic operatic vistas and Classical Ruins.

Here is one of his designs for Verdi's La Forza del Destino.  A perfect example of set design during the late Romantic Period and of Grand Opera in Europe at the time.  He was born on this day in 1833.

I've chosen this particular recording below to illustrate aurally the image above because it was the first one I ever heard of this duet and will forever be my favourite, though I have heard many others that deservedly vie for that title.  

The sunshine in Di Stefano's voice is undeniable here and he blends perfectly with the great Leonard Warren's velvety baritone.  Let this sunshine into an otherwise dark Monday and have a great week.
