A current fascination of mine is...

...Paper Theatre.  Actually it's not really a new fascination, it dates back to when I made my first Diorama when I was about 7.  It was of Pompeii with Versuvius exploding in the background.  It could actually be seen as my first foray into set design, a premonition of sorts.  But anyway.

Recently though my Facebook contacts and ever increasing network of opera singers, artists and enthusiasts, particularly those who share my love of Wagner, I discovered this wonderful page dedicated to building Model Theatres with the intent of using them for performance - Multum in Parvo paper theater.  

And indeed they are used for that very thing through Europe, it seems the enduring popularity of puppetry has never diminished.  Have a look at their website...you'll learn a lot more about the artform, find out about upcoming performances and even find some freebies!

