Regina Resnik

I'm going to pay tribute to the great Regina Resnik today. on the occasion of her birthday, not with an aria but with what is to me one her greatest achievements - Klytemnaestra's hysterical exit from Richard Strauss' Elektra.

No-one else on disc quite manages this scene quite like La Resnik and as a teenager I was captivated by her portrayal and still am.  It's from a bygone age unfortunately and one I like to revisit often.

By the way, over the years I've done quite a few paintings based on Strauss' incredible opera and now there is a gallery devoted entirely to them, check it out.  

Of course, there was a time when Regina Resnik was singing soprano roles, and to great acclaim.  Here we have Act 1 of Die Walkure from Bayreuth in 1953, Resnik was Sieglinde, Ramon Vinay was Siegmund and Josef Greindl was Hunding, Clemens Krauss conducting.  She makes a wondrous Sieglinde, the favourite in my current collection.  Have a great weekend.
