Image of the Day

Renata Tebaldi - Elisabeth, Tannhauser, Naples 1948
Today I purchased an iPhone app that showcases the incredible career of Renata Tebaldi.  There are so many rare treasures here including loads of archival footage, photos, films and some behind the scenes recordings and much, much more.  Here is a photo I haven't seen before of her as Elisabeth from Tannhauser.

Karl Bohm called her the greatest Elisabeth he has ever heard and no wonder when you listen to the except below from the very performance he conducted.  Sung in Italian rather than the original German she is remarkable in tone colour and expression.  One wishes she had of continued in the Wagnerian repertoire, apparently the fact she didn't speak German was the only thing holding her back.

Fortunately there remain a few recorded excepts of her Elsa and Elisabeth live, and a couple of studio recordings of the main arias recorded much later in her career.  The aria below is the perfect way to end a beautiful weekend.

