Welcome to a New Look...

Well the time has finally come for me to feel the fear and announce that my new website is now up and running.  Press on the image to send you there, take some time to look around and please let me know what you think, it's been a pleasure to build but there is always rooms for improvement.

On another note, please note the changes of address for future reference:

  • my new website is now www.blairparkinson.com
  • for the next few months www.livinghorus.com will direct to the blog
  • the blog's new name is www.blairparkinsonbloggeratic.blogspot.com in line with the new branding.
  • my new email address is artist@blairparkinson.com
  • for next few months I can still be contacted on blair@livinghorus.com
You'll be happy to know that my other details are still the same, ie Facebook, Twitter, DeviantArt etc but would appreciate you assistance in updating any links you have to my site.

I hope you like it.  Enjoy the rest of your week, I'm off for more Fringe World Festival fun this evening at the Noodle Palace.
