At Last!

After many months of procrastination I grabbed the bull by the horns this morning and finished my concept for Aida, Act 4, scene 2.  This means that all scenes have been completed and are now available for viewing and purchase on my website.

My concept for this Aida as grown from the bare bones of an idea I had many years ago back at design school.  The idea was to present all acts using the one set, which, for the late 80's when this first came into fruition was quite novel.  The originals were done in pastel and were quite sparse and deliberately void of much detail.  Since then I've revisited this conception many times and added and embellished over the years.

The original idea remains the same, just with a lot more detail.  Very soon the entire set will be available for purchase as a limited addition postcard set, I'm ironing out the details currently and will keep you posted so stay tuned.  In the meantime please visit the entire gallery here.

