It's his birthday... Placido Domingo

Placido Domingo - Pollione
As the great man turns 73 I thought I would focus on one of the roles her performed more in his younger days, Pollione from Bellini's Norma.  He recorded the role for RCA in the early 1970's with Montserrat Caballe and Fiorenza Cossotto nder the baton of Eric Leinsdorf.  To this day it's my favourite Norma, a lot more subtle than many people give it credit for.

If you're familiar with the original cover art of the original RCA recording, as featured in the video below, you may know the above image.  If you know the origins of this image or others from the same photo shoot or film/video, please let me know.  

Oh, and many happy returns on your 73rd birthday Placido Domingo.  May there be many more.

