Image of the Day

Curtain up on the the House of Atreus.  Elektra is my diversion at the moment, you may consider it as being the realisation after many years of procrastination.  This is just a teaser to what I'll be working on over my weekend.  

Whatever you do with yours, I hope that yours contains as much Creative Fire and fun as mine and take the time to listen to this...Grace Bumbry, one of those rare singers to encompass the greatest female roles in opera from both the Mezzo and Soprano repertoires.  Here she sings Klytemnestra to Eva Marton's Elektra, its a tour de force...This audio is a rarity to me, in fact this is the first time I have heard it and jeez La Bumbry nails it big time.  


If anyone has a decent broadcast quality version of the complete opera in either audio or visual media please let me know, you'll receive a reward.  Have a great weekend.
