Image of the Day

In my latest frenzy of memorabilia purchasing* I came across this stunning press pic of Renata Tebaldi.  Mine, which is currently on its way somewhere and in seemlingly better condtion, is dated from Los Angeles, 1956.  Other that that I'm not too sure of the original date of the photo, though it does seem to be early to mid-Fifties.

I love this era of photography for singers, not to mention the care and detail recording companies and opera houses put into their press and media they are full of nostalgia I absolutely loved when I was growing up.  

Nothing quite beats the fresh faced beauty that was Renata in the early 50's, this one is all innocence and hard not to love, especially those 'dimples of iron'.

When it arrives be sure that I'll be posting an image, it's the first of three Tebaldi purchases, the other two being of Tosca and Aida.

So because the above image isn't really role related I thought I'd to post a little known, but exquisite recording by La Tebaldi of Elsa's Dream from Wagner's Lohengrin, recorded in 1947.  


I do hope you take the time to listen, it's simply divine, Tebaldi's voice is...let's just say that no-one comes close to her purity of sound.  I wish you all the very best for the remainder of the week.

  *for research purposes only ;-)
