I'm nearly there...
...one more design to go then I'm done with the scenic concepts for my tribute to Richard Wagner, Nibelungenlied. Act 1 of Siegfried is the last one remaining and as they say it's time for me to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Today's post in the Fantasy gallery is a double. It shows the first two parts to my Gotterdammerung Act 3 concept. The first when Gutrune appears waiting insecurely for the men to return from the hunt, the second being with the lit funeral pyre of Siegfried which hastens the end of the opera. As usual, click on the thumbnail to take you to the images.
The final part to this scene I won't post for a while, my vision for the remainder of the Immolation Scene is temporarily limited by my current animating skills, which I plan to remedy very, very soon.
Wagner's 200th birthday approaches imminently and I have a surprise planned. Stay tuned.
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