New Nibelungenlied Banner

While I wait impatiently for my delivery of the new Die Walkure recording from Gergiev and Jonas Kaufmann's Wagner recital disc, I work more on my Nibelungenlied project.

In a form of procrastination from finishing the storyboard of Gotterdammerung (I'm up to Act 1), I thought I'd play around with a new banner or two.  They'll be added to the Fantasy Gallery when they're ready.  Here is one I rather like so thought I'd share it here.

Last nights Godspeed You! Black Emperor concert was excellent as expected.  The Festival Gardens is a great outdoor venue, especially in this heat, and seems a popular choice for a not so quiet drink after a show.  It's a great time of year if you're into the arts and live in Perth.

Next up on the festival calendar for me is Rachael Dease: City of Shadows tomorrow night, then it's off to see Philip Glass in Conversation on Friday.  It's going to be a good week.
