Soldier On...

World of Midgard - N. C. Wyeth
As I progress further into my Nibelungenlied project you may have noticed that there have been fewer postings in any of the galleries.  I've reached a stage where I have many images and ideas that are half finished, still in the conceptual stages or nearly complete.

So it's time for me to collate all of what's been done and work it into a cohesive narrative in order for the entire project to make sense to anyone who wishes to follow it, including myself.

I've gone 'back to the drawing board' as it were and am in the process of storyboarding the entire cycle, which as you can imagine is going to take me a while.  Do stick around though, I'll still be posting other things of possible interest, including concert reviews (there are many coming up on my calendar) and of course my 'Images of the Day'.
